Saturday, September 20, 2008

Financial Turmoil

The other night I was out to dinner with a variety of young Americans who were members of Democrats Abroad (of which I am chair of the Hyderabad chapter). we were introducing ourselves to one another and talking about what we're doing in Hyderabad. One of them said "Well, I was working in mortgage backed securities at Lehman, but now I'm here living with my Grandparents and looking into microfinance." Everybody laughed until someone said "no really, what brings you to Hyderabad?" "I'm serious" was the reply. Awkward silence ensued. So, all of you who are reeling from the financial crisis on Wall Street, don't worry, we feel your pain! All the way across the world in Hyderabad.

1 comment:

LD said...

fascinating post, martha. the u.s. financial (fanatical) market impacts the world. it is very interesting to hear how it impacts individuals.