Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Ok, lets start by clearing something up. I am the first to admit that my blog name seems to be a bit, well, x-rated. However, let me assure you that nothing will appear here which would require a separate room of your local video store. In fact, it is probably safe to say that all blog entries will be strictly rated PG (PG-13 at the most, I'm sure). Why the slightly risque name? Perfectly Sinful was the name of my first horse. (Actually it was Perfectly Cinful, spelled with a C for her lineage, but I decided that was stupid and changed it). Acquiring, owning, and selling Perfectly Sinful (whom I called Lyra) taught me about perserverence, hard work, love, heartbreak, bravery, tears, laughter, adventure, and joy. In short, she taught me almost everything of importance that I know.

It is because of these lessons that I am doing something which simultaneously terrifies and thrills me. I have quit my cushy desk job, eschewed business school, packed my bags and am heading overseas for an undetermined length of time. I plan on exploring the world while trying to make some small difference volunteering with various NGO's. I know that the lessons Lyra taught me will come in handy and will be retaught and reinforced. Since I am incapable of keeping a journal for myself and want to document my adventure, this blog will serve jointly as my communication device with friends and family and as a virtual scrapbook.

A good scrapbook is made up of lots of fanstastic pictures, so let me conclude this post with one of my favorite pictures from a recent trip to India:

Elephants on Parade!